Saturday, October 22, 2005

I love the Harry Potter books.

I started reading the 5th installment - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - because someone left it hanging around at my Mum's house. Within 15mins I was hooked. I went on to finish it in around 3 days. I usually read very little fiction but Jk Rowling has such a great storytelling style I just cant put her books down.

I quickly read the first 4 books and settled down (with millions of others) to await the publication of 'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince'. I was in Ireland at my sisters when it was released. But I got my copy at 9:00am on the day of publication!

What I wasn't prepared for was the emotional roller coaster that I was embarking on. I won't go into the plot as it might spoil the book for others, but I was utterly blown away by the relationship which develops between Ginny Weasley (pictured above) and Harry. There had been much speculation on Potter websites about who Harry would fall in love with, but the way this story was written surpassed any thing anyone had predicted.

From the moment they got together to the moment Harry has to tell her that it couldn't go on, was story writing at its best. I was so gutted at the end of the book that I cried. Not a little but a lot! Ruth said I was in a mood for about a fortnight. Hard to believe this twice divorced cynic could be so moved by a story of 16 year olds in love, but I was. Now I have to wait 2 years to find out if all will end well in the final installment.

In the meantime there is the November movie release of 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire' or GoF as us Harry Potter chat roomers like to call it. Can't Wait!!

Friday, October 21, 2005

More Pics of our little Princess

As can be seen from the above piccies Sophie is doing well. I am back to work on Monday (24/10) as my paternity leave, courtesy of Gordon Brown, is now over.

Ruth is intending to remain on maternity leave until Easter or later. James has had a good report on his first half term at school, so all is well in Richardsonworld.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Back To Life back to Reality

Things are settling into something of a routine now. Ruth and I , inhabit a strange twilight world between 3 or 4 hourly feeds.

Between 3 and 5 in the morning is a particularly strange and challenging time as your body is at its lowest ebb (blood sugar low etc).

However we knew it would be like this so no complaints.

Sophie seems to have a sweet nature and most of the time when she's awake she looks round quizickly. When she does cry its more of a whimper at the moment, although as a Richardson I'm sure there will be more to come on the voice front!

James has mostly sailed throught the addition to our family. He has realised though that things have changed. Yesterday he asked, not where do babies come from but why do they come! I can see that he may well be leading one of our online debates before too long.

Paul xx

Friday, October 07, 2005

We are home now. Sophie is settling down well (although she is just 30 hours old!!).

Thankyou to everyone for there best wishes. Ruth was filling up as she read through the comments here and on The Erics site - cheers guys.

It is a joy for me to know that Sophie will be surrounded by the kind of people who are in our circle of friends as she grows up.

I hope to see you all soon.

Thanks again x

Thursday, October 06, 2005


This is my new daughter Sophie Jasmine she was born 06/10/05 at St James Hospital in Leeds at 1745.
Ruth (who had full pain relief with James - endured labour without it this time) I am so glad I'm a man!!
Sophie is a little cold to start with so its skin to skin time to warm her up (this works on me too!!)

James is very pleased cos Sophie brought him a present (will he be as pleased when he finds out she having his room?)

Many thanks to the Staff at St James - Sophie should be home late on Friday.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Well we are still waiting.

Came home from work early today, as Ruth seemed to be showing signs of early labour. However as I write this at 715pm it seems that the panic is over.

If nothing else happens Ruth will have labour induced at StJames hospital sometime on Thursday (06/09). I may have been moaning about the waiting recently, almost as much as Ruth , who in fairness has something to moan about! Readingf Sams blog post about Meg has put things in perspective.

It amazes me as I get (a bit) older how often this happens. Just as I am getting all tired and pi**ed off with my lot, Smack! a healthy dose of perspective. This country and many ot the people who live in it could do with a double dose. Especially the person who rang me up at work to complain that because his insurance documents were a day late, he was unable to pick up his Ferrari as it couln't be taxed without it and the garage wouldn't let it go. The car was worth £135,000.

First of all I find it obscene that anyone can spend that can spend that amount on a car. Secondly, how can a person moan about waiting one extra day? people around the world have waited a lifetime for justice and never got it. Most of them in dignified silence. Or what a yound girl with her life ahead of her, the hopes and dreams of her parents, suddenly plunged into doubt and fear?

In future I will be tempted to direct complaints like this to Sams post on Meg.

They probably wouln't see the point though, bastards.