Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Christmas brought the usual bagful of smellies, socks etc but increasingly rellies and mates buy me dvd's cd's or vouchers for the same.

This allows me to get an annual dose of musical inspiration.

This year stand outs have been Bullet in a Bible - Greenday Live at Milton Keynes. What a cracking dvd plus you get a cd of the live show as well. The live version of Jesus of Suburbia is a classic and reminds me of the first time I saw The Who live, it is so energetic -also it proves that you can play things fast and loud and still get emotion across if the song writings good enough. The dvd ends with a Billy Joe doing a solo of Good Riddance on electric rather than acoustic guitar - this is brilliant just like a billy bragg song, the crowd sing a long and the gig ends on superb high.

Next pressy to mention is U2 Vertigo live in Chicago dvd- This stage show is the best I have ever seen. Plus they do an updated version of Electric co. along with a great Running to Stand still and an even better 40 to finish the show.(incidently me and my mate Bono are both Christian types so we know that 40 is based on psalm 40 in the bible).

Most Influencial this year is the Live 8 dvd. Madonna's performance is stunning, she's the same age as me but she's not fat and knackered like I am. She is my favorite female singer by a country mile! Then there's the very over rated Robbie Williams, he bangs out three hits from his time with Guy Chambers but doesnt do any new stuff. Why? cos the new album is sh*te. Yes his tour sold out in record time, but the punters dont want his new stuff they want Angels! he is very soon going to undergo the emperors new clothes treatment. Pink Floyd -aaah sublime, as a result of this Live 8 performance I phoned Sam to suggest we do Wish You Were Here. Not the usual Erics fayre but when we reheased it it was pretty damn good.

ok I have a few rants brewing which some may be interested in -I will start posting those tomorrow!

1 comment:

David said...

Paul,I too got Vertigo live,agree with you 100% Also got the 30 year re issue of Born to run the album,a making of doco & Live at hammersmith first London gig...