Sunday, September 04, 2005

I want to vent my thoughts and feelings on this site.

I should therefore state right from the start that all the statements, links and views on here ARE MY OWN.

They should not to be taken as those of my family members or my fellow band members.

So here is a start.

Despite my distrust and often open dislike of organised religion (including Islam and Christianity), I do believe in a God (of love) and regard myself as a follower of Jesus of Nazareth (or where ever in the now middle east he came from).

To quote Bruce Springsteen, "when I look at my self I don't see, the man I wanted to be. Somewhere long the line I slipped off track, one step and two steps back". So I guess I would say that in religious terms I accept that I am a 'sinner' and long for some kind of forgiveness.

However, I am a qualified scientist and accept fully that the best way to describe and to understand the vast majority of what is around us (including us) is through science. I include in this Human evolution all the way to Stellar evolution (yes we are made of stardust folks). So if God made us (s)he made us just the way Darwin, Newton, Einstein and Carl Sagen have described.

contradictory?? Doesn't add up?? Just like life really.

1 comment:

David said...

Paul... Welcome to the world of blogging ! It was great to see that picture, must dig one out for you to see...